


Hello Bay's neighbors. My name is Jesus, but I am also known as Jessy. I am only working through referrals. First time callers must leave a message or send text mentioning how they found me.

I will be very flexible and accept any project or task at hand. I am happy to guarantee all my work up to a second call, several weeks, or months depending on the type of job and the materials used.

I am happy to provide my skills and experiences to anyone while striving to meet the needs and expectations no matter what the budget may be.

For many inexpensive small tasks or projects, usually I can purchase materials or parts. I provide the receipt for any expenses and simply ask for my refund plus whatever my fees charges may add up to. Depending on the task at hand, I may require a small deposit for high cost materials or parts, but the full amount due for my labor will only be charged once the job is done to your expectations and satisfaction based on our agreement. When projects are weeks or months long, I will require payments throughout its duration at least once per week.

I am flexible and eager to meet and work with or for you to the best of my abilities.

Worth mentioning that I gladly accept crypto currency. In fact, I prefer this payment method. Cash is my second preferred payment method.


SEE some of MY HANDY WORK & DIY Projects